Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Government Bail out?


Sitting on the edge of your couch waiting for one
of those checks the government has promised
to send out to everyone to stimulate the economy?

Yeah, me TOO. That $600.00 is really going
to make the difference for me. I mean, it's
all steak and caviar for all of us from here on out.

Bring on the bling!

Um. I'm thinking that maybe the government
is a little out of touch. Apparently they must
be stuck back in the days before gas was close to
$4.00 a gallon and the Internet 1.0 was still
netting people 50 million dollar venture
captial paydays.

Don't get me wrong here, I'm going to take
their money. You should too.

It's what you 'do' with it once you get
it that matters. I for one am going to use
that money to make a whole lot more of it.

And No. I'm no 'investor' but I am going
to invest in something I just heard about.
You can too. And it won't come close to
taking your whole $600.00.

In fact,if you go right NOW....you'll
still have $595.05.....that's right
you can get it all for only $4.95

It's called 4 Minute Money. It's new and
it's different. It's written by a guy named
Brian "Koz" Kosobucki and he's the real deal.

He's been in the same boat as the rest of
us and through a lot of hard work and sweat
equity...came up with a series of guides
that can start making you money...in as
little as 4 minutes at a time for only $4.95.

How can you beat a deal like that??

Build as many little 4 Minute Money makers
as you like. And then the next time the government
sends you a check...you can blow it all on
skittles and beer.

Check it out here:

--> http://justinb590.4minutemm.hop.clickbank.net

See ya!


P.S. I have no idea how long this price will last, so get over there
NOW to make sure you get one.

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