Sunday, September 30, 2007

Your Children Can Master Multiplication In No Time

With Seriously Simple Sums, you'll discover:

*How to multiply ANY 2 or 3 digit number by 11 in less than five seconds
*How to square any number ending with a five in five seconds or less
*Squaring other numbers like 23² or 120²
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*How to check your answers with a simple, effective method that you can use for all sums!
*Learn about Vertically and Crosswise for those larger sums
*Learn how to estimate Square Roots with these effective methods
*Learn from our large resource of Math Tips and Tricks to amaze your friends!

Everything you'll learn is easy to understand and really works. And will work forever! After all, if it can work for engineers, teachers, nurses and students, it can also work for you.

Check it out now. Go to

Friday, September 28, 2007

Leisure Audio is working for me as I write!

I recently became a member of Leisure Audiobooks,and I want to share my humble opinion with you today.

This is like nothing I have ever experienced before,I was shocked to find that is totally unique, neverseen before, and I believe it to be revolutionary,and I'll explain why.

In my past experience, you join a typical program,they give you some cheesy promo tools, and they never say a word to you, they just expect you to go out and recruit as best you can on your own...

This is totally and utterly different.

First of all, the products rock, there's a huge selectionof topics on virtually any niche you can think of...all delivered in licenced .wma or Real format, so anyonewith a computer, an iPod, or mp3 player can instantlyenjoy these fine audio books, at their leisure...

Second, you don't have to recruit, to earn nice money, youcan simply sell these real products to real people, and theywill be glad to have them to listen to...

Third, the commissions you can earn, are much higher than normal, and I really like that.

Fourth, it's so easy to set up a website and dominateany niche you choose, because the training is so good,it makes it easy to get started right away.

Fifth, I don't have any of the order filling problems,of offering a real product, Leisure Audiobooks, has ithandled, for me. Lucky me;~)

With Leisure Audiobooks, I feel at completely at easeoffering anyone hi quality hi fidelity products andthe diversity is astounding! They have over 6000 titlesmeticulously sorted into 160 categories in a feature- packed store.

I had no idea know that there are at least 50,000 identifiableniche markets that can be independently addressed in the searchengines for audio books! I do know now and I am out there selling...and for the first time it is working!!!

Plus it's a huge relief to have the experts, Rod and Kevin helping me succeed, I almost feel like I have a huge"cheat" over everyone else, because I'm a part of a caringorganization, who really coach, and really train, and really want me, and you, to succeed, no matter what the skill level.

So, I would have to sum it up like this, if you're tired ofan endless line of hype, smoke and mirrors, and you'd liketo gain traction, start making a financial difference inyour family's lifestyle, and have a legitimate, honest, realway to make money owe it to yourself to checkout Leisure Audio Books.

Don't believe me, I'm a happy member, and of course I'm biased,so do a check on Rod and Kevin, and I'm sure you'll find thetruth is that they are for real, and these are great productsthat virtually sell themselves.

I recommend that you see for yourself - GO RIGHT NOW, and take in the information presented on the website.


Justin Bickham
Making it happen today!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Blogging to the Bank 2 - Honest Review

Blogging has been around for a few years now. Most people use blogs to record their thoughts and lives, while the select few use them as a free way to make a fortune.

One guy who uses this to his advantage is Rob Benwell. Last year he dished the dirt on the tips and tricks to making a fortune using blogging. But as time passes the old systems become obsolete and new techniques are required.

This is where his brand new, fresh off the press blogging to the bank 2 system comes into play.For those who know who Rob Benwell is like me, you’ve probably made a killing using blogs.For those who don’t, he’s the story:Back in 2005 he was struggling to make any profit online, had dropped out of college and was getting deep into debt. He was trying all the techniques the gurus tell you and wasn’t getting anywhere fast. All of that went in the bin and he started using his own techniques and started making more and more money using simple blogs.

In early 2006 he shared this with the world and had a great ebook called blogging to the bank. Tons of people got rich from using these techniques (including me). He then spoke at Online Marketing Legend Yanik Silver’s underground Seminar where he revealed even more of his underground strategies.But as I said earlier, the techniques used in that ebook are now showing their age. Some of them are not even working in the slightest!

This is where blogging to the bank 2 comes into play.It’s full of great new techniques that work online right now! Everything’s explained in plain English with none of the fluff. I managed to get ahold of an advanced copy of the book for a much higher price than what it actually sells for and it has been worth every single cent! I got it in the afternoon and by the evening I was creating new profitable blogs. Within a couple of hours of them being active I had made a nice little profit.

Blogging To The Bank 2 teaches you Robs new step by step blueprint to creating highly profitable long term niche blogs using the newest optimization techniques. There’s even a section on advanced Search Engine Optimization. Most people think SEO is difficult but Rob explains this nice and simply so even the blogging newbie will understand it.Blogging To The Bank 2 is a breath of fresh air and I highly recommend it to anyone wanting to make easy money online.

Click below for more information about this system

Blogging To The Bank 2.0

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Are you looking for targeted customers everwhere, and get no results?We all know the internet marketing is a TRAFFIC game.So no matter what products or services you are selling, you need TRAFFIC.The more visitors to your website means the more sales your will make.
We can provide you the targeted potential prospects if you are promotinghome based, opps , or any money-making programs.How do we provide you the targeted prospects?

Visit our website to find more...So

Thursday, September 20, 2007

I'm not Harry Potter, but...

Do you ever wish you could wave a magic wand and solve all
the challenges you experience as you grow your online

Sure would be nice, wouldn't it?

Well, I'm sorry to say, I'm not Harry Potter and I don't
have any magic wands to give you.

But I can point you in the direction of the next best

... a private Member's Club where you can receive round-
the-clock advice from successful Internet marketing
professionals -- PLUS:

>> Online training videos on "must-know" topics such as,
"What to sell online for MAXIMUM profits"

>> Exclusive interviews with industry giants, such as
living legend Brian Tracy

>> Scores of free and heavily discounted tools that are
essential for building your business

... as well as tons more!

And right now, you can get your hands on a full 30-day
trial membership to the Web's most powerful
Internet marketing community for just $2.95!

To learn more about this limited-time opportunity, click
here to continue:

I hope you find the experience "magical"!

All the best,


P.S. The marketing professionals in this "Club" helped
22-year-old musician Aaron Beats double his traffic
numbers and increase his sales by 300% -- in less than
a month ! You can get these same experts working for
you by visiting:

Why true “lazy people” almost always make more money than “hard workers”

Fact #1 -- Most people are working too hard to make any realmoney online!

Most people spin their wheels and put in a lot of hours, but atthe end of the day they don't have much to show for it.

Fact #2 -- A few people don't work any harder than theyhave to... yet they make tons more money online and enjoythemselves a whole lot more than everyone else.

Who are these incredibly "lucky" people?

They're called "Lazy Achievers" - and I've found a breakthroughnew ebook by Jim Edwards that teaches you their "secret"strategies, techniques and - most importantly - their mindset!

The Lazy Man's Guide to Online Business"How to Work Less, get Paid More... and have tons more Fun!"

Click Here =>

Does this sound familiar?

The more you successful you get, the more *work* comes your way!

More Sales = More Hours = More Work = More Stress!

Now it seems all you did was just create another "job" foryourself on top of everything else!

What happened to the hands-off, "remote-control" business you thought you created when you opened the doors of yourown dot-com?!

Well have no fear!

No matter what type of online business you operate, help is onthe way...

Jim Edwards is a man who's been where you are!

He sold his first ebook way back in 1997 and steadily built this online business up from just a few hundred bucks in salesto now making as much in a single day as many onlinebusinesses make in a month (some even a year!)

His ebooks have generated hundreds of thousands of dollars in sales and he is the co-author of the ultra-successful ebooks"How to Write and Publish your own eBook... in as little as 7Days" and "33 Days to Online Profits".

But he paid a *heavy* price...

Jim was making a six-figure income, but he slaved away14, 16 even 18 hours a day with no end in sight.

The more "successful" he got -- the more work piled up on him!

Then one day it all changed...

Last summer Jim had a chat with someone he thought he knew quite well - and this amazing ebook grew out of that talk.

The person?

His own father! Dallas Edwards (Jim's co-author) is a man whobrings to the table several decades of business experience ingetting things done easier, better, faster, and cheaper in manydifferent industries.

After some discussion Jim asked his dad a "point-blank"question...

"Can you really work less and make the sameor even *more* money in less time?"

After his dad explained what would later become "The Lazy Man's15 Principles for Success" Jim immediately knew there was abetter way to run his online business.

Jim *immediately* applied these new-found principles to hisexisting business.

What happened next seemed almost like magic....

~ Within 24 hours he immediately eliminated 1-3 hours of timewasted with email *every* day!

~ Within 2 days he finished a project in 4 hours he hadn't beenable to get done for 6 weeks!

~ Within one week he made an EXTRA $3,421!!

~ Within one month he took a vacation to the Bahamas - and made enough money by "remote-control" while on vacation to make his house payment when he got home!

~ Within 3 months his work day dropped to 4-8 hours a day(depending on his current projects).

Don't you want the same results!?!Less Work... More Money... More Fun!

The Lazy Man's Guide to Online Business"How to Work Less, get Paid More... and have tons more Fun!"

Click Here =>

Here's the bottom line on this incredible resource...

"The Lazy Man's Guide to Online Business" will teach you thetechniques, strategies and, most importantly, the mindset of"Lazy Achievers"

Now you can learn *exactly* what they do and how *you* can join them!

But that's not all!

Jim also got some of the brightest minds online to share theirsecrets for creating and operating super-efficient,money-making online businesses, including:

~ Jay Conrad Levinson - Mr. "Guerrilla Marketing"

~ Yanik Silver - "King of Copywriting"

~ Jonathan Mizel - "The Online Marketing Letter"

~ David Garfinkel - "Advertising Headlines that Make you Rich"

~ Joe Vitale - "Outrageous Copywriting Genius"

~ Larry Chase - "Web Digest for Marketers"

~ ... and 7 more!

These aren't skimpy little two paragraph interviews either!

These are *meaty* full interviews with highly successful people who reveal their best and *proven* techniques, tips, tools and strategies for making more money -- in less time --and having a whole lot more fun doing it!

I urge you -- Don't Hesitate!

Get more FREE Information now!

The Lazy Man's Guide to Online Business"How to Work Less, get Paid More... and have tons more Fun!"

Click Here Now =>

To your success!

P.S. - To make it even better for you Jim is offering the ebookat a very special price along with 3 outrageous BONUSES... butyou must act quickly! Once the world discovers the *secrets* of"Lazy Achievers" the price is going up as high as $49 - Act Now!

Click Here Now =>

P.P.S. - Don't take my word for it - read what some of thebrightest minds online had to say about this ebook when they got a sneak preview...

"If you feel like you're always spinning your wheels and busting your butt and never getting ahead of the curve, read this book - it's aimed at you!"

Larry Chase
Author, "Essential Business Tactics for the Net"
Publisher, Web Digest for Marketers

"Jim Edwards is anything but a lazy man, yet he shows you how to be lazy and relaxed while amassing a fortune online. His wise words ought to be engraved in your brain and his ebookought to become mandatory reading for anyone interested intapping into the best money-making technology ever invented."

Jay Conrad Levinson
Author, "Guerrilla Marketing" series of books

"Outstanding! I learned some eye-opening secrets for cuttingtime and making money. This book should be called 'Secrets of Lazy Achievers' andeveryone online should have it now!"

Joe Vitale
Author, "How You Can Make $5,000 - $15,000 Each Time You TeachYour Very Own E-mail Only E-Classes!"

"After reading the 'Lazy Mans Guide', I applied two things and Iimmediately made three sales and freed up two hours a day frome-mails! Just by applying the simple system in your book, Ifound three leads, which ended up turning into three closedsales netting me $1200. I certainly would have lost these saleshad I not bothered to take action and apply what your book recommended.

Gene Ramos
Digital 360 Communications

Get more information now!Click Here Now =>

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Surf While You Sleep!

How bad do you need traffic to your website(s)? Are you tired of sitting at the computer for hours at a time trying to build traffic credits?

There is a way to surf the net and earn traffic credits--while you are away from your computer! Even in your sleep will you earn credits! The answer is: AutoSurf Hit!

At AutoSurf Hit, when you click to start surfing, you will be brought to a website and the timer will go for 20 seconds before the next website comes up.

Once you have that set up, you can step away from your computer. This is the best traffic surfing program yet, so check it out now.

Again, that is AutoSurf Hit. Go here now, and see how you can build traffic credits without having to sit at your computer for hours at a time.

AutoSurf Hit

Friday, September 14, 2007

Are Marketing Forums a waste of time?

Recently I've had a lot of people ask me about the
Internet marketing communities springing up all over the Web.

You know the ones I'm talking about...

... The discussion forums and chat rooms hosted by so-called
Internet marketing gurus who promise members "unlimited access"
to them and their team of experts -- but the only people you
meet in their forums are beginner marketers who are still
struggling to make their first dollar online!

In order to help you determine which are worth joining -- and
which are a colossal waste of time -- here are three questions
you need to ask before getting involved in any of these

Question #1: Are your questions guaranteed to be answered by
an experienced Internet marketing professional?

Let's face it... Other Internet marketers can be a useful source
of useful information -- provided they have actual experience
running successful online businesses!

You don't want to get involved in a community where the only
suggestions you get are from people who are simply parroting
things they've read online, without ever having tried the
strategies for themselves.

So when someone offers you a piece of advice, ask them for
REAL PROOF they know it actually works. If they can't provide
it, it's time to move on.

Question #2: Are your questions guaranteed to be answered
within a specific time frame?

I've seen it happen again and again -- people join an online
marketing community desperate for advice from a seasoned
marketing professional. So they post their most pressing
questions and wait impatiently for someone to answer them.

And they wait... And wait... And wait...

... Meanwhile, they're losing out on potential sales
because they're not taking any decisive action with their

Question #3: Will the "experts" give you a detailed analysis
of your website -- and offer concrete suggestions for

If you could ask just ONE question of a seasoned marketing
professional, here's what it should be:

"Will you review my website?"

If they say no, then my advice to you is: find another community
to join.

Without a doubt, you'll get more value out of a detailed website
review than any other information a seasoned professional can

A reputable online expert will give your site a full
"diagnostic" -- and let you know exactly what changes you need
to make to your website and salescopy to improve your

By asking these three questions, you can make sure you join a
community populated with real Internet marketing professionals
who will deliver real advice -- and help you get REAL results!

Personally, I've done some research and I think the only
online community worth joining is Derek Gehl's exclusive
"Internet Entrepreneur Club."

It delivers an immense amount of value that you simply will
not find anywhere else.

In addition to round-the-clock access to Derek and his team of
REAL Internet marketing experts, you also get:

>> A guaranteed response from a seasoned professional within
48 hours... and often much sooner!

>> Monthly 60-75 minute teleconferences with industry
masterminds who are making huge six- and seven-figure incomes
such as John Assaraf, one of the experts featured in the hit
film and book, "The Secret.")

>> Monthly training videos showing how to implement the latest
proven online marketing strategies

... and much more.

On top of that -- I recently discovered that Derek is currently
giving away a handful of 30-day trials of his exclusive private
member's club -- for just $2.95!

... So if you're thinking about joining an online marketing
community -- and getting UNLIMITED Internet marketing advice
including business ideas... website reviews... salescopy
advice... traffic secrets... and MORE...

... Then you need to move fast and click on the link below to
claim your $2.95 Trial Membership before they're all gone and
Derek closes the doors to his Club for good!

Activate your risk-free trial now by going to:

To your success,

Justin B.

P.S. After 30 days in Derek's Club, Aaron Beats was able to
double his traffic numbers and increase his sales by 300% in
less than 30 days! Now he regularly makes more than $10,000
every month.

You can get Derek's experts working for you by visiting:

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

No Software Needed?

ButterflyMarketing proves to be just as powerful
in strategies then in the software itself. Below
you will find a student and customer of the course.

Click Here To Learn More About This Manuscript

Michael Cheney of "Adsense Videos" applied the the
pre-launch strategies and affiliate tools and JV
strategies outlined in MikeFilsaime's Butterfly
Marketing Manuscript
to the his launch.

Here is what Michael Cheney had to say about what
he learned in the Manuscript:

"Mike - first off I just want to say thank you so much!
The techniques I learned from ButterflyMarketing
played a BIG part in helping me make $63,249 in sales
in 24 hours!!

As I write this I'm still finding it hard to believe.
It seems a lifetime ago that the BFM package landed on
my doorstep and I started poring over it with my smile
getting larger and wider with each new insight as I
realized that as long as I APPLIED what I was learning
the principles were going to make something BIG happen!

Little did I know just HOW BIG it would be when I
launched AdSense Videos...

AdSense Videos - 33 Hours After Launch..

The site went live. My life changed forever - seriously
the results have been incredible Mike - we've grossed
over $200,000 in 7 days!! The site got an Alexa ranking
on Launch Day of 351!

AdSense Videos was ranked Number 1 on the ClickBank
Marketplace in the Marketing category just 4 days after
the Launch!

I've also been getting, on average, one new subscriber
every minute of every hour for the past SIX AND A HALF

So - What did I learn from you Mike and from Butterfly
Marketing? Where to start! I think one of the biggest
things was the step-by-step approach. Everything I
created for Affiliates, Joint Venture partners and for
people going through the videos themselves has been
step-by-step. I made everything as easy as I could and
'muppet-proof' as I like to call it!

I also realized that it's paying attention to the smaller
details BEFORE launch that really pay dividends AFTER the
Launch. And BOY am I seeing that!

You gave some absolutegems of advice in Butterfly
Marketing which have, without a shadow of a doubt,
contributed in a big way to the overall success of AdSense

Thanks again!

Michael Cheney"

You too can have the same results as Michael Cheney by
implementing the tactics and strategies outlined in Mike
Filsaime's Butterfly Marketing Manuscript.

Learn why people are saying that this report changed the
way marketing is done on the internet for good!

Click Here to read more amazing success stories from
people who applied what Mike teaches in his tell all
Manuscript on how to profit big from your own products
and membership sites.

To your success,


ButterflyMarketing proves to be just as powerful
in strategies then in the software itself. Below
you will find a student and customer of the course.

Click Here
To Learn More About This Manuscript

Michael Cheney of "Adsense Videos" applied the the
pre-launch strategies and affiliate tools and JV
strategies outlined in MikeFilsaime's Butterfly
Marketing Manuscript
to the his launch.

Here is what Michael Cheney had to say about what
he learned in the Manuscript:

"Mike - first off I just want to say thank you so much!
The techniques I learned from ButterflyMarketing
played a BIG part in helping me make $63,249 in sales
in 24 hours!!

As I write this I'm still finding it hard to believe.
It seems a lifetime ago that the BFM package landed on
my doorstep and I started poring over it with my smile
getting larger and wider with each new insight as I
realized that as long as I APPLIED what I was learning
the principles were going to make something BIG happen!

Little did I know just HOW BIG it would be when I
launched AdSense Videos...

AdSense Videos - 33 Hours After Launch..

The site went live. My life changed forever - seriously
the results have been incredible Mike - we've grossed
over $200,000 in 7 days!! The site got an Alexa ranking
on Launch Day of 351!

AdSense Videos was ranked Number 1 on the ClickBank
Marketplace in the Marketing category just 4 days after
the Launch!

I've also been getting, on average, one new subscriber
every minute of every hour for the past SIX AND A HALF

So - What did I learn from you Mike and from Butterfly
Marketing? Where to start! I think one of the biggest
things was the step-by-step approach. Everything I
created for Affiliates, Joint Venture partners and for
people going through the videos themselves has been
step-by-step. I made everything as easy as I could and
'muppet-proof' as I like to call it!

I also realized that it's paying attention to the smaller
details BEFORE launch that really pay dividends AFTER the
Launch. And BOY am I seeing that!

You gave some absolutegems of advice in Butterfly
Marketing which have, without a shadow of a doubt,
contributed in a big way to the overall success of AdSense

Thanks again!

Michael Cheney"

You too can have the same results as Michael Cheney by
implementing the tactics and strategies outlined in Mike
Filsaime's Butterfly Marketing Manuscript.

Learn why people are saying that this report changed the
way marketing is done on the internet for good!

Click Here to read more amazing success stories from
people who applied what Mike teaches in his tell all
Manuscript on how to profit big from your own products
and membership sites.

To your success,


No Software Needed?

proves to be just as powerful
in strategies then in the software itself. Below
you will find a student and customer of the course.

Click Here
To Learn More About This Manuscript

Michael Cheney of "Adsense Videos" applied the the
pre-launch strategies and affiliate tools and JV
strategies outlined in MikeFilsaime's Butterfly
Marketing Manuscript
to the his launch.

Here is what Michael Cheney had to say about what
he learned in the Manuscript:

You too can have the same results as Michael Cheney by
implementing the tactics and strategies outlined in Mike
Filsaime's Butterfly Marketing Manuscript.

Learn why people are saying that this report changed the
way marketing is done on the internet for good!

Click Here
to read more amazing success stories from
people who applied what Mike teaches in his tell all
Manuscript on how to profit big from your own products
and membership sites.

To your success,

proves to be just as powerful
in strategies then in the software itself. Below
you will find a student and customer of the course.

Click Here
To Learn More About This Manuscript

Michael Cheney of "Adsense Videos" applied the the
pre-launch strategies and affiliate tools and JV
strategies outlined in
Filsaime's Butterfly
Marketing Manuscript
to the his launch.

Here is what Michael Cheney had to say about what
he learned in the Manuscript:

"Mike - first off I just want to say thank you so much!
The techniques I learned from

played a BIG part in helping me make $63,249 in sales
in 24 hours!!

As I write this I'm still finding it hard to believe.
It seems a lifetime ago that the BFM package landed on
my doorstep and I started poring over it with my smile
getting larger and wider with each new insight as I
realized that as long as I APPLIED what I was learning
the principles were going to make something BIG happen!

Little did I know just HOW BIG it would be when I
launched AdSense Videos...

AdSense Videos - 33 Hours After Launch..

The site went live. My life changed forever - seriously
the results have been incredible Mike - we've grossed
over $200,000 in 7 days!! The site got an Alexa ranking
on Launch Day of 351!

AdSense Videos was ranked Number 1 on the ClickBank
Marketplace in the Marketing category just 4 days after
the Launch!

I've also been getting, on average, one new subscriber
every minute of every hour for the past SIX AND A HALF

So - What did I learn from you Mike and from Butterfly
Marketing? Where to start! I think one of the biggest
things was the step-by-step approach. Everything I
created for Affiliates, Joint Venture partners and for
people going through the videos themselves has been
step-by-step. I made everything as easy as I could and
'muppet-proof' as I like to call it!

I also realized that it's paying attention to the smaller
details BEFORE launch that really pay dividends AFTER the
Launch. And BOY am I seeing that!

You gave some
gems of advice
in Butterfly
Marketing which have, without a shadow of a doubt,
contributed in a big way to the overall success of AdSense

Thanks again!

Michael Cheney"

You too can have the same results as Michael Cheney by
implementing the tactics and strategies outlined in Mike
Filsaime's Butterfly Marketing Manuscript.

Learn why people are saying that this report changed the
way marketing is done on the internet for good!

Click Here
to read more amazing success stories from
people who applied what Mike teaches in his tell all
Manuscript on how to profit big from your own products
and membership sites.

To your success,

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Free Google AdWords?

A new breakthrough secret is all you now need in order to get your Google AdWords pay-per-clicks FREE!

A doctor from New York discovered what he calls an “oversight” on the part of 99.9% of all marketers that allows him to get otherwise paid-for advertising at Google as well as all other search engines that allow sponsored ads.

And no, nothing about his “secret” is illegal – nor does it require that you know someone on the “inside” at Google, Yahoo, MSN, Overture and others.

Instead, the New Yorker boasts proudly “…this is something that I caught onto just before 2000 when there was so much search engine craze running around, and started doing small just to test things at first … but which I later expanded on after getting the hang of it.”

This same fellow went on to start and operate sixteen separate online companies selling everything from pet food, DVDs, children’s toys & games, books, software, and sold not only his own manufactured products but became an affiliate for other web businesses – all the while applying his mastermind secret.

Over the course of nearly eight years the New Englander confesses “I’ve actually gotten over $87 million in advertising that using my secret I never had to pay for … and the largest share of which was more recently in Google pay-per-clicks as well as other forms of pad advertising at search engines … all of which I got for free …”

So powerful is his secret that he’s able to monopolize any niche online, and can always secure the top premium spots just above the usual organic results featured at most search engines.

He still has to set up an account with the search engines – but after applying his secret he is removed from having to pay for all the costs otherwise involved.

Again, nothing about his secret is either illegal or robs from the search engines.

One spokesperson from one of the most popular search engines said chuckling after being made privy to this amazing secret “Wow! Ha! This is really unique … and in my expert opinion it would only serve to enhance and bring more business to us at [name of search engine withheld for legal & confidentiality reasons] and not cause us to lose business in the slightest. Amazing!”

This northerner revealed that in this nearly eight years’ period of time since applying his secret he’s done well over $300 million in sales revenue with a most diverse line of products, and most recently in the last two years netted nearly $166 million after really “buckling down and pressing my secret to its fullest potential.”

Now to everyone else’s fortune, the city slicker is releasing his secret for getting an unlimited amount of pay-per-click ads to the general public. But he’s not promising any of us for how long.

A bit of an eccentric, the gentleman says “We’ll see just how long I can make it available before it saturates things.”

One famous public web guru pointed out that although this man may gain economically more so as a result of the publication of his secret “he’s already so amazingly rich that whether he continues or discontinues its sale will neither make nor break the man, but not grabbing it for yourself while it’s still available could prove disastrous for you as you may only have one chance, and a very limited one at that, to get this.”

It is currently available here...

…so you may want to head on over there now and get it.

It’s in a very easily readable format and is quickly and readily understood and mastered by anyone with even a 4th grade reading level.

While you’re there, why not scroll down and review for yourself the huge successes others are now having with this incredible breakthrough in targeted advertising now made freely available to the rest of us?

Again, go to Free Google AdWords NOW!

To your success,


Saturday, September 8, 2007

A New Outlook On Life

Do you want to work for 40 years or more to make $40,000 a year or less just so you can retire on 40% of what wasn't enough in the first place?

Imagine owning a profitable home business that you could start TODAY without:

- Technical know-how,
- Large capital investment or overhead,
- Jeopardizing your current career,
- Any of the headaches of owning a traditional business.

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Thursday, September 6, 2007

The Shocking TRUTH Why Most People FAIL to get rich...

He's coming out swinging...

The fur is
a fly'n

I've never seen ANYTHING like this EVER!

There's a new 'Robin Hood' on the scene
in the business world

and his message is loud and clear

His video's are getting pounded on You Tube
and some of the BIG name advocates are
raving about his Expose...

Well all I can say is...

there are going to be many of the "gurus",
so-called experts, and Johnny-come-latelys
who claim to be "the best" who are going
to be downright spitting mad!...

Because those 2-3 videos
are *TAME* compared to what
this Jackal character has
gone and done now!

Just wait until you see the *full-length*
video and expose report that's just come
out now...

First it will *shock* you...


...then it will probably make you very
angry (because of the dirty tricks they've
pulled on you for years)...

...then it might even make you laugh (or
cry) a bit because when you see the truth
exposed, you realize just how ridiculous
it's all become...

It's gotten
out of hand!

All of us over hear are cheering this Jackal
Dude(tte) on because he (or she) has pulled
out all the stops to EXPOSE the truth to
us all.

But it's not just huge "bashing" (which I
appreciate because who wants to know how bad
you're getting worked over without knowing
the solution for how you can stop it, right?)...

That's why, while the ride may start out
bumpy, I think you're going to be very happy
with where it drops you off at because I think
it just may be THE answer you have been desperately
searching for to finally break the evil cycle on.

That's why I suggest you get in on this
while the getting is good.

(who knows how long it will
be around once the punches start
being thrown).

The viral activity is going crazy.

You may have thought the Secret was huge,
wait until you see this...

here's how you can get a leg up over every-
one else:


i just checked and it's still active so it
should work for you if you jump on it right

Best of success,

- Justin

P.S. something in the Jackal's classified
report (the one with the *FULL* uncut video
at the top of it) really stood out for me!

It's the section that starts with...

"Duck! Because
Here it comes!"

So be sure you scroll down and check it
out because I think it shatters all the
dirty tricks they've been pulling on you!

Hope you're ready...


Monday, September 3, 2007

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Sunday, September 2, 2007

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